The Law Offices of Marc E. Mitzner Articles Understanding Fathers’ Rights in California

Understanding Fathers’ Rights in California

By The Law Offices of Marc E. Mitzner  Aug. 23, 2013 12:06p

Knowing the rights and responsibilities of a father in the state of California is important to fathers and mothers alike. These legal rights are valid whether the mother and father of a child are married or not. The same holds true for responsibilities required by the state. A man who finds out that he is about to be a father but is not married to the mother may think that the mother has automatic legal custody and say in all things concerning the child but that is not the case. The father has the right to be involved in all aspects of the child's life and to spend quality parenting time with them. Other fathers' rights include the following:

  • Full participation in decisions regarding medical treatment, which doctor they attend, which dentist they visit, where they live, what religion they practice and other such matters
  • Ability to view all medical records and school records
  • The right to discipline your son or daughter, the right to parent your child in the manner you see fit (as long as it is legally permissible) without interference from the child's other parent

Along with these rights, however, also come responsibilities concerning the care and well being of the child. Disregarding these responsibilities may render your rights null. The father is responsible for assisting in the support of the child in regard to housing, food, clothing, medical care, education and other needs. The only difference in these rights and responsibilities as they hold for married or unwed fathers is that a paternity test may be necessary in cases when the child's mother and father are not married. Make sure you are fully aware of all legal aspects in regard to fathers' rights by speaking with a knowledgeable divorce attorney.

Do you need help with a paternity or fathers' rights matter?

Fathers' rights can be an emotionally heated and stressful issue but a skilled divorce lawyer may be able to help you sort these matters out and obtain a resolution as swiftly as possible. A family lawyer on our team at the Law Offices of Marc E. Mitzner has successfully handled cases involving child custody, child support, visitation, paternity rights, single fathers' rights, military fathers' rights and other related issues. Contact an attorney with us now to find out about your legal options.

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