The Law Offices of Marc E. Mitzner Articles The Benefits of Divorce Mediation

The Benefits of Divorce Mediation

By Marc E. Mitzner  Aug. 24, 2012 3:59p

Divorce can be one of the most difficult and traumatic events that individuals can face as the family unit is torn apart, leaving spouses and children to cope with a new life. Emotions can run high, especially between spouses who harbor resentment, jealousy, anxiety, anger and other negative feelings towards one another and the situation in which they find themselves. All of this tension can filter down to their children, who offer suffer as much emotional trauma as their parents. Disagreements and battles can ensue over child custody, child support, spousal support, the division of marital property and debts, and other important decisions which must be resolved before the divorce can be finalized.

A better way to prevent the often acrimonious courtroom battles that can occur in a contested divorce and to work through disagreements in a more positive manner is with the growing practice of divorce mediation. Working with a neutral third party, the mediator, divorcing couples face their differences and work to resolve them through cooperation, positive communication, and creative problem-solving. Divorce mediation is done outside of the courtroom in private sessions, at one's own pace, and offers the couple a way to make their own decisions about important issues rather than have a judge do so who knows them only through courtroom appearances. Because of this, divorce mediation is less costly, less time-consuming, less contentious, and results in better relations and better decisions for both the spouses and their children. Once the couple has reached an agreement about the specific issues involved in their divorce, it can be written up formally and submitted to the courts for approval.

Divorce Mediation Attorney in Orange County, California

If you are located in Orange County and wish to resolve your divorce through mediation, the Law Offices of Marc E. Mitzner is a good place to start. The firm is devoted exclusively to the practice of divorce and family law, which means you will have the advantage of an attorney who spends each and every day handling these legal issues and no others. Mr. Mitzner has been practicing family law for more than 15 years, handling over one thousand cases throughout his career. Because of his concentration on this field of law, he has gained an enormous wealth of practical experience, skill, and knowledge.

To find out more about how the firm can help you with a mediated divorce, contact the legal staff to arrange for a consultation today.

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