Latest News 2011 January Federal Regulation Allows Patients Right to Decide who can Visit

Federal Regulation Allows Patients Right to Decide who can Visit

New federal regulations are making waves across the country as patients are given the right to decide who can have visitation rights in the hospital. Unlike before there will be no limitations based on gender identity, family makeup or sexual orientation.

These new rules apply only to hospitals that receive Medicaid and Medicare programs. This legislation was first proposed by President Obama and later put into place after a lengthy period of public review by the Department of Health and Human Services. Same-sex couples and domestic partners across the country are now able to visit their loved ones in the hospital where before they would be denied since they had no legal authority as family members to do so.

The affected hospitals will now have to inform their patients of their new rights to choose who can visit. There will be no more discrimination by hospitals based on gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or religion.

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