Latest News 2010 March Allen Iverson Going through Divorce

Allen Iverson Going through Divorce

Basketball star Allen Iverson’s wife has filed for a divorce. The couple is currently dealing with a sick 4-year-old daughter. The divorce petition stated that the marriage was irretrievably broken. Iverson’s wife is asking for temporary and permanent custody of their five children as well as child support and alimony.

Divorce is never easy, but is made more difficult when the two parties do not agree on all matters. You may be dealing with many issues during a divorce, but it’s important that you handle this situation properly. You can resolve this matter in a beneficial way if you understand your options. Most important, you need to make sure that your rights are protected during this difficult time.

By working with a family law attorney, you can resolve this matter quickly and begin moving forward with your life. It’s in your best interest to work with a lawyer who will know what the best solution is for your case and how to get to this solution. With the help of an attorney, you will have this matter settled and your rights protected. Please take some time today to contact a family law lawyer and begin discussing the details of your case.
