Gordon Law Offices Articles High-Earnings by Women Affecting Marriages

High-Earnings by Women Affecting Marriages

By Gordon Law Offices  Jul. 23, 2013 9:53a

A research paper published by three economists from the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business shows evidence that old-fashioned concepts about who should earn the most money in the household is affecting modern-day marriages. The research paper indicates that most husbands applaud their wives' efforts to bring in extra income given the economic demands facing most families. When women bring in more income than their husbands, however, it flies against the role that most men see for themselves as the primary breadwinner. This concept of gender identity affects marriages negatively. It also affects the choices men and women make about whom they should marry and whether or not they should stay married or get a divorce.

The number of couples who marry or stay together declines sharply at the point where the woman earns more than half of the household income, according to these economic researchers. In the last four decades, earnings for women have risen even though their incomes continue to be less than their male counterparts. Pew Research recently reported in a study that in 15 percent of married households with children, women provide more than half of the income. In 1960, that figure was only 3.5 percent.

The economists' study found that in marriages where the woman earns more than half of the household income, both partners were less satisfied with the situation. These cases had a higher risk of divorce. The researchers found that the divorce rate rose by half in couples where the wife earned more than the husband.

Divorce and Family Law Firm in Las Vegas, Nevada

Many reasons and causes can bring about a divorce, from financial differences to alcohol or substance abuse as well as differing goals and needs. Whatever the reasons, once you decide that divorce is the best solution for your difficulties, it is necessary to arm yourself with as much information about the process as necessary. You may be facing many difficult issues which will need to be resolved before your divorce can be finalized, from how to divide the marital property and debts to child custody and visitation.

Gordon Law Offices is a divorce and family law firm serving clients in the Las Vegas area. This family-run law firm is comprised of attorneys who have more than 50 years of legal experience in this field. With the knowledge and skills they have accumulated throughout their extensive years of practice, they can help you find the best way to approach your divorce or other family law issue, such as adoption, domestic violence, paternity, enforcing or modifying court orders, and more. You can learn more about the services they offer, how they can help you, and the best way to handle your divorce or legal matter. Contact the firm to arrange for a free case consultation to get your questions answered and to get started with your divorce or family law issue.

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