Latest News 2011 December Prenups Not Just for the Rich

Prenups Not Just for the Rich

No longer reserved for the ridiculously wealthy, more and more couples are opting to sign prenuptial agreements.

Even if you do not have millions in the bank, you may want to consider asking your partner to sign a prenup. This is a legal document that outlines what should happen to your finances and assets in the case of a divorce or death. By drafting a prenuptial agreement, you can outline what property is considered communal versus private, create an estate plan, separate property, discuss any special agreements and even outline child support and visitation rights.

While the thought of discussing a divorce before you are even married sounds depressing, it can actually serve to strengthen your relationship. One of the most-cited reasons for divorce these days are financial matters. By discussing your finances beforehand, there will be no mystery once you are married. With both partners being open and honest about their finances and assets, you will be able to move forward with your marriage confidently.

To get help creating your prenuptial agreement, work with a family lawyer in your state!
