Lindsay A. Feldman, P.A. Articles Florida Alimony Legislation Vetoed by Governor

Florida Alimony Legislation Vetoed by Governor

By Lindsay A. Feldman, P.A.  May. 22, 2013 4:46p

An alimony reform bill expected to succeed was vetoed by Florida's Governor just hours before it would have gone into effect. The Governor vetoed the bill early in May due to objections to the fact that it would have retroactive power, which would allow the renegotiation of alimony agreements already in existence for many Floridians. The alimony reform legislation would have put in place limits on how much alimony could be paid and for how long it would last. Life-long alimony payments would have barred. In general, payments lasting more than half of the length of a marriage would have been prohibited and benefit caps would have been imposed, based on the paying spouse's salary. The bill also would have given equal custody of children to both parents, unless extraordinary reasons prevented it.

Those who supported the bill assert that an updating of the Florida alimony system is needed due to its unfair treatment of some. Those who opposed the bill called it "anti-woman," and one-sided. The bill is expected to return in some form for another go at passage in the future. Florida is following Massachusetts, which was the first state to revamp alimony laws in 2011. Under the Massachusetts law, alimony is based on the length of the marriage and supported spouses can no longer seek financial support through the paychecks of an ex-spouse's new husband or wife.

Broward County Divorce Lawyer

Alimony, or spousal support, is just one issue that may arise in a divorce procedure. Others include the division of marital property and debts, child custody and visitation, and child support. All of these matters are vitally important to the parties involved and how they are decided may impact the future for many years to come. That is why getting knowledgeable and trusted legal support throughout your divorce is so important. Furthermore, you may wish to pursue your divorce with alternative methods which keep you out of hostile courtroom litigation, such as mediation or using collaborative law.

The divorce and family law firm of Lindsay A. Feldman, P.A. offers experienced and skilled legal guidance and alternatives to make your divorce more user-friendly, less costly, and less stressful. Attorney Feldman has more than 10 years of legal experience in handling divorce and family law issues for clients all across south Florida. Whether your divorce is a simple, uncontested matter or a complex contested one, contact the firm to begin the process. Low costs and flat fees may apply.

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