Feldmann Nagel, LLC Articles Mother and Stepfather Charged with Sexual Assault of Daughter

Mother and Stepfather Charged with Sexual Assault of Daughter

By Feldmann Nagel, LLC  Sep. 11, 2012 1:36p

37-year-old T.C. and her husband, 35-year-old K.C., were taken into custody recently by Denver Police on child sexual assault charges. The two are accused of having molested T.C.'s daughter for two years. The girl, now 14, told police that her step-father had begun sexually abusing her when she was 12. She also said that her mother sometimes took part in the assaults. Police found that lewd pictures of T.C.'s daughter had been texted between the couple. If you are concerned about the well being of your child when he or she is in the custody of your former spouse then speak with a divorce attorney right away. It may be possible for you to gain sole custody of your children in such circumstances.

K.C. has a prior record of sex assault and had pled guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child in 1997. He served prison time in connection with this conviction. He is now being held on two felonies charges connected to the assault on the girl. Reports do not indicate what charges the girl's mother is being held on specifically but the woman is currently incarcerated.

Denver Divorce Lawyer for Child Custody Issues

Child custody agreements are by no means set in stone and it is possible to make modifications, especially in circumstances where your child's welfare is at stake. If you are interested in ending the joint custody, legal custody and or physical custody rights of your former spouse and obtaining full custody of your children then you need to consult with a skilled attorney as soon as possible. The argument for why such a modification to custody is necessary needs to be clearly explained and include as much evidence as possible to support your position. While the courts do like to keep both parents in the child's life as much as possible the paramount consideration is his or her safety and well being. Likewise, any issues with visitation and child support can also be addressed.

The dedicated lawyers on the team at the law offices of Feldmann Nagel, LLC has helped clients throughout the Denver area with a variety of complex family law issues such as child custody modifications. We understand how important your relationship with your children is and we may be able to help with your case. There are no cookie-cutter solutions when dealing with divorce issues and we are driven to providing the best in one-on-one personalized representation. We listen to our clients and do everything possible to achieve their legal goals. Please contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.

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