Father Sent to Jail After Paying Child Support
Posted on Jan 7, 2014 6:15pm PST
A father in the Houston, Texas area has reportedly been sent to jail after paying his outstanding child support. According to reports, his support had been modified without him knowing which is why he fell behind on payments. He quickly paid the money and caught up, but he was still sent to jail for six months. His attorney is currently working on an appeal.
Dealing with child support matters is a difficult issue for anyone. No matter the situation, you will want to proceed forward with your family law matter in a careful manner. You need to be prepared for a long process because child support cases are not always settled quickly. You can resolve this matter in a beneficial way if you ensure that your case is handled in the most beneficial way possible. If you are going through a child support case, it's in your best interest to have a family attorney on your side to protect your rights. An experienced family lawyer will know what to expect and how to handle various matters related to your case. You can trust an attorney to guide you through this process and settle this matter in the best way possible. Contact a family lawyer today to begin discussing your case and moving forward.