Latest News 2012 August Matrimony Murder Ensues in Pennsylvania

Matrimony Murder Ensues in Pennsylvania

In a story fit for a thriller fit for a thriller movie, a Pennsylvania woman has been accused of stabbing her groom only hours before their wedding. The woman, Na Cola Darcel Franklin, is facing homicide charges in the death of Billy Rafael Brewster. Reports say that the couple lived together, and the bride murdered her groom within this apartment in the Whitehall Township.

While evidence points to a killer bride, Franklin claims that she was not aware of her fiancés death when she was taken to court with a homicide charge. She stood mute, with a blank expression on her face as the judge told her that she was being charged with the man’s murder. She allegedly screamed “You’ve got to check again!” at the court hearing, and begged the judge to check on Brewster’s condition and confirm that he was actually dead.

The judge declared that Brewster was declared dead from stab wounds by a coroner earlier that day. The death of her fiancé seems to have shocked and devastated Franklin. Reports say that she rocked back and forth and choked out the words “I did not kill him on purpose. I want to go home.” The judge refused Franklin’s request and sent her to jail. Relatives say that Brewster was going to go out and grab food for the crowd of wedding guests at their home when an argument took place. One of the visitors suddenly saw Franklin wielding a kitchen knife and tackling her fiancé, who was defenseless.

Allegedly, the bleeding groom stumbled into the walkway outside the apartment, where he died. He was stabbed straight through the heart. This shocking and devastating story shows that the wrong match can be a horrible, even fateful choice. If you are worried about your safety regarding your fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, then you may want to get a restraining order against them. Talk to a family law attorney about this option today!
