Latest News 2012 April Census Reveals Interesting Divorce Facts

Census Reveals Interesting Divorce Facts

The latest census revealed some interesting facts about American marriages and divorces. Generational differences for both marriage and divorce were seen across the nation, with some trends sparking discussion about the future of our population. Based on surveys collected in 2010, researchers found that marriages are at an all-time low. Since younger people are getting married later in life, the figures for marriage were lower than in previous censuses, researchers say. A 2009 sampling revealed that marriages were performed for 17.6 out of 1000 women and 19.1 out of 1000 for men. Divorces were performed at a rate of 2:1, meaning that for every two marriages there was one divorce.

The areas of the country with the highest rates of marriage are the Western and Southern states. However, they also have the highest rates of divorce, along with the Northeast. Divorce has affected an estimated 1.1 million children, the amount that is believed to live with a divorced parent. Are you going through a divorce or related family law matter? If so, take the time to discuss your situation with a family law attorney in your area as soon as possible.

Categories: Divorce, Family Law
