Latest News 2011 May Legislators Work to Put and End to Lifetime Maintenance

Legislators Work to Put and End to Lifetime Maintenance

Legislators in Massachusetts are working hard this week to enact a new law that would end lifetime maintenance.

A hearing on Wednesday will determine whether the new bill for setting durational limits on alimony payments could be enacted. Current state law does not set a limit for maintenance; in fact, a 2009 ruling stated that alimony payments do not necessarily have to end when a person reaches retirement age.

A proponent of the bill, president of Massachusetts Alimony Reform Steve Hitner, says that specific limits will be set for future alimony cases, and those who had been in long-term marriages will see their benefits end at the retirement age defined by the Social Security Act. Hitner believes that the older alimony laws are outdated, as women are more likely to work outside the home and are less reliant on their husbands for income.

If you are curious about maintenance benefits, call a family law attorney today to discuss your legal options.
