Latest News 2010 March Estranged Wife wants Speedy Divorce

Estranged Wife wants Speedy Divorce

Missouri state representative Mike Cunningham is dealing with a divorce due to his alleged infidelity. The wife is preparing to use legislative action to ensure a speedy divorce after criticizing a state statute that is delaying her divorce. She filed for divorce over a year ago and the representative used state statute to put the divorce proceedings on hold. Mark Cunningham has also stated that his wife had an affair, but she has denied these allegations.

Divorce is never an easy situation to go through. It can be a complicated and long process if the couple cannot come to an agreement on how to handle everything. You need to know that you have rights that should be protected during this time and that you do have options about how to handle your case. With the help of a family law attorney, you can resolve this matter in the most beneficial way possible and ensure that your case is handled appropriately. A lawyer will know what to expect in negotiating during any necessary court proceedings. It’s in your best interest to work with an attorney who has experience with these difficult situations and can guide you through this process. Please take some time to contact a family law lawyer today to begin discussing the details of your case.  

Categories: Divorce, Family Law
