Latest News 2010 June Child Support Leads to Indictment

Child Support Leads to Indictment

In the Cleveland, Ohio area, twelve people have been indicted for more than $381,000 in back child support payments. The defendants who owe child support will face multiple counts of criminal non-support, which is a fifth-degree felony. Each count that they face carries up to a year in prison. At the high end, one man owes more than $77,000 for his seven children. 

Dealing with child support issues such are very common situations and difficult to resolve. These cases need to be handled carefully because there are many details in proceeding forward. You need to be aware of how your case will work and what actions you need to take to defend yourself. You do have rights that should be protected and options in doing so.

With the help of a family law attorney, you can resolve this matter in a timely manner and with the best possible outcome. Family matters are incredibly sensitive, but a lawyer will be able to settle this matter in the right way. An attorney will be able to fight to protect your rights while keeping your best interest in mind at all times. Contact a family law lawyer to protect your rights during this process and ensure that you are able to move forward with your life in the way that you want now.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
