Tiki Barber Trying to Reach Divorce Settlement
Posted on Jul 12, 2010 12:50pm PDT
According to reports, former Giants player Tiki Barber is trying to not offer his estranged wife much money to support her and their four children. Barber left his wife Ginny while she was eight months pregnant with twins, allegedly for an intern. The couple and their lawyers have been engaging in intensive settlement talks. The couple was married for eleven years.
Dealing with divorce issues is a very common and complicated situation. These cases need to be handled carefully because there are many details in proceeding forward, especially when child and spousal support are involved. You need to be aware of how your case will work and what actions you need to take to defend yourself. You do have rights that should be protected and options in doing so.
With the help of a family law attorney, you can resolve this matter in a timely manner and with the best possible outcome. Family matters are incredibly sensitive, but a lawyer will be able to settle this matter in the right way. An attorney will be able to fight to protect your rights while keeping your best interest in mind at all times. Please contact a family law lawyer to protect your rights during this process and ensure that you are able to move forward with your life in the way that you want now.