Latest News 2010 December House Approves Child Custody Changes

House Approves Child Custody Changes

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has approved changes to the child custody system. The bill that has been approved will intend to ensure that both parents are treated equally in child custody matters. It is intended to stop the assumption that custody should be awarded based on gender as many mothers are given custody for that reason alone. Now, courts will consider other factors such as which parent will encourage and permit contact with the other parent and the need for stability in a child's life. 

Going through a child custody matter is never easy. It's important that if you find yourself going through a child custody matter that you understand the process and how to best resolve this. You need to know that you do have rights to protect and options to do so. Custody matters are more complicated than many believe so it is in your best interest to know how to properly approach your case. If you or someone you know is dealing with a family matter then it is in your best interest to consult with a family law attorney. You can count on a lawyer to understand your case and know how to best resolve this matter. An attorney will always have your best interest in mind while fighting to protect your rights. Please take some time today to contact a family law lawyer to begin discussing your case.

Categories: Child Custody, Family Law
