The Meyers Law Group, PC Articles Putting a Stop to Parental Alienation

Putting a Stop to Parental Alienation

By Meyers Law Group, PC  Jan. 16, 2012 4:20p

Many of those going through a divorce involving children may have heard of "parental alienation." This is the term used to describe an instance where the child or children of two former spouses appears to have developed a bias or strong dislike against one parent. In such a case, it is often suspected that one parent may have made negative or maligning comments about the other causing the child to develop a dislike for their mother or father. The fallout can be heartbreaking for a parent who finds that their son or daughter no longer wants to spend time with them or expresses that he or she would prefer to be with one parent more than the other.

Are you concerned about your relationship with your children?

If you suspect that your former spouse is working to turn your children against you, a Long Island divorce attorney may be able to help with the legal aspects of such a situation. You have a right to see your children and a former spouse should not create barriers of any kind that would prevent you from spending quality time with your kids.

Going through a divorce is difficult enough but the emotional stress can be much greater in cases where children are involved. Even after a divorce is finalized with custody and support settled, you are still in a relationship of sorts with your former spouse through your children and in regard to the parental responsibilities the two of you share. That is why it is absolutely vital that you have the legal help you need if you suspect that your former spouse is impacting your relationship with your children in a negative way.

Contact a Long Island divorce lawyer for immediate help!

Whether your child may have had a pre-existing upset with you that your former spouse may have capitalized on, increasing the rift between you, or if the change in your relationship with your child or children was sudden, you should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney on the team at the Meyers Law Group has handled a variety of cases involving even the most complicated and contested divorce matters concerning child custody, child visitation, child support and any needed changes to these agreements. Make sure you have compassionate and competent legal representation on your side.

Contact a Long Island parental alienation attorney with our firm to learn how we may be able to ensure your rights and your relationship with your children are protected!

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