Hutchinson Law Articles Visitation Rights in Florida

Visitation Rights in Florida

By Hutchinson Law  Jun. 28, 2011 10:15a

The topic of visitation rights can be a touchy issue for some parents, especially in a heated divorce . In the state of Florida, visitation rights of minor children are now referred to as “timesharing.” Parents who are no longer married or with their child’s other parent, should inform themselves of their legal rights. The amount of timesharing or visitation that you receive will have a direct influence on your child support payments as well. Even though you are ending your relationship with your spouse or significant other, you are not ending your relationship with your child. In order to protect the integrity of your relationship with your child or children, it would be in your best interests to talk to an experienced and knowledgeable family law attorney.

No two divorces are alike. These days, fathers will get the same exact consideration in a child custody matter as the mother and, there is no standard, “once size fits all” schedule when it comes to child custody and visitation. Ideally, both parents will come to an agreement regarding visitation, however, what is fair and reasonable to the mother, may not be fair and reasonable to the father. When the parents cannot agree, one of them is eventually going to have to request a hearing before a Judge, so that he can enforce a reasonable schedule.

Times Change and Visitation Changes

It is very common for circumstances to change over the years. As children grow older, their needs change. Sometimes one parent gets a new job, a relocation may occur, or one or both parents may move a significant distance from one another. Frequently, as lifestyles change with growing children, the old visitation (timesharing) schedule becomes impossible to adhere to for either side and a modification to the old visitation schedule is in order. It is important to actively support the relationship between the child and both parents, this is why getting a Jacksonville visitation lawyer on the line, will help insure that the issues are addressed as swiftly and smoothly as possible.

If you need assistance with your visitation matter, contact a Jacksonville visitation attorney from Hutchinson Lawtoday for assistance. We are a family firm that cares about your relationship with your child. We will handle your case in a caring, professional manner so that you can count on your parental rights being protected.

Contact a Jacksonville visitation lawyer from our firm today for a free consultation.

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