Child Support in Georgia
By Howard Law Group
Feb. 3, 2014 3:53p
Parents have an obligation to provide financial support for their children. For noncustodial parents, this is done through child support payments. Child support involves various actions. If the parents are not married at the time of the child's birth, paternity may need to be established. Once the biological father has been identified, a child support order must be obtained through the courts. In cases where a noncustodial parent fails to or refuses to make child support payments, the order may need to be enforced. Enforcement of child support can be done through local or state agencies. Finally, if there is a substantial change in the circumstances of the paying parent, the custodial parent or the child, either party may seek a modification of the current child support order through the courts.
According to federal government statistics, almost a third of the country's children currently live in single-parent homes. Only half of those families that are owed child support receive the full amount of what they are owed. A quarter of those families owed child support receive nothing. A child support enforcement program was established in 1975 under the federal government to make certain that children in this country receive the financial support they are owed by both parents. The federal government maintains the Federal Parent Locator Service which assists states in child support programs. Requests for help from this Service are obtained through State Parent Locator Services.
Divorce and Family Law Firm in Dallas, Georgia
Obtaining, enforcing, and modifying child support is one of the important issues that a family lawyer can help you with. In Dallas and Douglasville, Georgia the Howard Law Group is a divorce and family law firm whose attorneys have 40 years of combined experience. They know how vital family law matters can be to you and your children and how important their legal representation is in helping you obtain satisfactory results in family courts.
The firm handles all types of divorce as well as those issues related to divorce, such as child support, child custody and visitation, the division of marital property and debts, and alimony. Attorneys at the firm offer mediation services to help you through any disagreements so that you and the other party can move forward. Get the legal advice you need about your divorce or family law issue. You can fill out an online case evaluation form on the firm's website or contact the law offices to arrange to speak to an experienced attorney about your situation.
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