Latest News 2012 May British TV Star Accused of Failing to Make Child Support Payments

British TV Star Accused of Failing to Make Child Support Payments

The star of a popular British TV show found himself in court last week. Jamie Foreman spoke with a judge about not only paying off his child support debts, but increasing the payments in the future. Foreman, best known for his role on Eastenders, owes 51,000 pounds to the Child Support Agency. Since his contract was renewed for the popular TV show, the judge has asked that he increase the payments for his two sons, ages 20 and 22. However, the actor did go on to say that he did not know how long his character would have a role on the TV show. In short, he is not certain how long he will be working as an actor for Eastenders.

For the past year, Foreman has been working to pay off his debts at a rate of 200 pounds per child per month. At this rate, it will take several years for his entire debt to be paid off to the CSA. If you are hoping to collect past due child support payments, get legal assistance now by consulting a family law attorney in your area.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
