Latest News 2012 February Types of Child Custody in California

Types of Child Custody in California

More and more states are pushing parents to opt for joint child custody. In California, there is not the same impetus towards creating joint custody agreements as there is in other states. There are two types of joint custody that you can consider. The first is joint legal custody in which both parents are given equal say in the major decisions that can affect your child's life. Both parents must have a part in the child's extracurricular activities, counseling, religious training and education.

The second type of custody is joint physical custody. This is when both parents have frequent and sustained contact with the child, as opposed to regular custody when the non-custodial parent is given a schedule of when to see the child. The child will spend a significant amount of time in both parents' homes; however, this does not mean that the time will be split 50/50. The amount of time spent in each household will be determined and agreed upon by both parties. Parents can petition for one or both types of joint custody. Regardless of which type of custody arrangement you are considering, it is advised that you have a family law attorney on your side.

Categories: Child Custody, Family Law
