Latest News 2012 August Divorce Dilemmas: A Little Bird Told Me...

Divorce Dilemmas: A Little Bird Told Me...

People often catch wind of their spouse’s irresponsible or hurtful actions through another source. For example, maybe you saw a photo post on Facebook that caused you to wonder if your spouse was being true to you. Maybe a friend of yours called to report seeing your spouse out at a party when you thought that he or she was working overtime. Maybe your partner confided in a family member that he or she was planning to file for divorce and you overheard the conversation, or read a text on his phone. There are dozens of ways that spouses accidentally let out their secrets, and it can spark a quick decision to end a marriage. Because only half of all American marriages last, it isn’t surprising when an argument over a carefully kept secret turns into a devastating split.

In the case of one couple, the secrets were let out by a little bird- literally. CNN News says that the couple owned a pet mynah, which is one of the birds that will repeat phrases that it catches ear of. The wife in this marriage figured out that something was amiss in her relationship with her husband when the bird kept saying words like “divorce” “be patient” and “I love you.” The twittering was more than mere words, it was snippets of the husband’s conversation with his lover. Her bird became particularly talkative whenever the phone would ring, blabbering about divorce in the future. The woman decided to beat her husband to the punchy and filed for divorce first, saying that the bird had given her hints of his indiscretions. If your spouse is having an affair, then you may want to beat him or her to the punch too. Contact a family divorce attorney near you to get the representation you need to start your divorce case.
