Louisiana Takes Tough Stance on Deliquent Child Support
Posted on Sep 8, 2011 4:00pm PDT
One state is taking the collection of late child support payments to a new level.
The Department of Children and Family Services in Louisiana has created a list of individuals that are negligent on their payments. This list has been posted on the website for anyone to see, but is intended primarily for the parents who aren't receiving the money they need. According to department personnel, everyone on the list has been contacted about their late payments, so no one should be surprised to see themselves listed.
At the moment, the database contains nearly 53,000 names of people who collectively owe $1.2 billion. You can use the database to search for delinquent parents by city, name or amount owed. Of these individuals, 88 people owe $100,000 or more. The department hopes to increase the amount of money collected during the next fiscal year, topping the amount of nearly $321 million obtained during the past year.
Having problems collecting child support? Take the time to consult with a family law attorney who can help you get the money you are owed.