Latest News 2011 October Actress Claims She Was Abused by Ex Husband

Actress Claims She Was Abused by Ex Husband

One former actress was more than relieved to hear that her divorce had been finalized. The actress has been fighting to get a divorce from her producer-actor husband since January 2010, a man who reportedly abused her as well.

While the two were only married for two years, the 45-year-old actress claims that he spent it beating her on the face, body and head. When she filed the divorce petition, the actress also asked for a restraining order against her husband.

The couple has two children together who are now living in Los Angeles with their mother. As a result of the restraining order, the father may not be able to have contact with his children.

Have you recently become a victim of domestic violence? Don't be ashamed - take charge by enlisting the services of a family law attorney who can help you protect yourself from additional abuse and harm.
