Latest News 2011 November Singer Challenges Paternity Claim

Singer Challenges Paternity Claim

A teen singer known for stealing the hearts of a nation shocked his fans when news of a paternity suit arose.

She 19-year-old male singer has been accused of being the father of a 20-year-old woman's son. She filed a lawsuit against the singer asking him to take a paternity test. Naturally, she announced all of this to the press and started a media frenzy. Just a few weeks later, the lawsuit has been withdrawn and the woman is keeping mum about her little boy.

While she is still waiting for the singer to take a paternity test, it is unlikely to occur. The singer's legal team fought back and squelched the lawsuit with lightning speed. They claim that the singer never met the woman, despite her insistence that they met after one of his concerts in Los Angeles. One of his lawyers recently stated that the singer intends to take a paternity test, but has no plans of doing it anytime soon.

Need assistance with a paternity or family law matter?  Be sure to speak with a family lawyer near you.

Categories: Family Law, Paternity
