Latest News 2011 May What is Time Sharing?

What is Time Sharing?

When you hear "time sharing" you may start to think about real estate deals. However, if you are in the process of a divorce and have children together, time sharing takes on a whole new meaning.

In the state of Florida, your divorce decree will outline who the children will live with on a permanent basis. It will also describe when the non-custodial parent will have time sharing privileges. This term is used not to diminish the importance of the second parent's role in the child's life, but to allow for equal input even though the child does not live with him/her.

Ideally parents would be able to work out a time sharing agreement without having to involve lawyers and a courtroom, but this is not always the case. If this is the case, the court could be forced to step in and make a decision for the parents.

Have questions about time sharing?  Don't wait to get in touch with a family law attorney.

Categories: Child Custody, Family Law
