Latest News 2011 February Florida and Parental Relocation

Florida and Parental Relocation

Parents who live in Florida but are considering relocation must comply with Florida Statute 61.13001. Also known as "Parental Relocation With a Child," failure to comply could result in the parent at fault could be held in contempt of the court and would have to return the children.

When both parties agree to the proposed relocation then the statute requires a written agreement that entails three major items. First, a statement that shows both parties consent for the relocation. Secondly, a schedule must be outlined that details the access or time-sharing agreement for the parent that is not relocating, as well as any other people who are entitled to time with the children and finally transportation agreements that pertain to time-sharing or access.

No matter what state you live in you must abide by the laws as they apply to parental relocation. Hire a family law attorney now to learn more about your state's laws and how they apply to you.
