Latest News 2010 May How Does Establishing Paternity Help Your Child

How Does Establishing Paternity Help Your Child

There are numerous reasons as to why a mother or a father should establish paternity whenever parents are unmarried.  However, the main reason is that it benefits children and helps them in numerous ways.  By establishing paternity, a child gets to experience benefits like:

-          having legal proof of his/her father's identity

-          having the chance to ask his/her father about medical problems, genetic diseases or inherited health concerns

-          having the chance to know for 100% certainty the identity of both his/her mother and father

-          having his/her father's name on his/her birth certificate

-          having the ability to receive medical benefits or insurance benefits from the father

-          having the chance to receive financial support from his/her father to ensure his/her day-to-day needs are provided for

As you can see, there are numerous benefits to establishing paternity, especially for children involved.  If you have questions related to paternity, are in need of paternity testing or have a family law matter involving paternity, it is a wise idea to obtain the services of a family law attorney who is knowledgeable in this niche area of law.

Categories: Family Law, Paternity
