Latest News 2010 March Kate Winslet to Divorce

Kate Winslet to Divorce

Actress Kate Winslet and director Sam Mendes have decided to divorce. After separating earlier this year, the couple has said that the divorce is amicable and resulting from a mutual agreement. After being together for seven years of marriage, the divorce is the second for Winslet. The couple also has one child together, a six-year-old.

Divorce is incredibly common and can be resolved easily, but can be difficult when the two parties do not agree on all circumstances. It's important that you understand that when you are dealing with a divorce, you do have rights that should be protected. You also have options during this difficult time and can move forward with them. Family matters like divorce do not have to be a struggle if you handle your case properly.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a family matter such as divorce then you will want to work with a family law attorney who specializes in these situations. A lawyer will know what to expect with your case and how to handle difficulties such as court proceedings. It's in your best interest to work with an attorney who will protect your rights and guide you through the process. Please take some time today to contact a family law lawyer and begin discussing your case.  

Categories: Divorce, Family Law
