Latest News 2010 March Jude Law Child Custody Matter Settled

Jude Law Child Custody Matter Settled

Jude Law, who had a child with Samantha Burke, has settled the details of the child custody agreement. His visitation rights will include seeing his new child twice a year. In addition to his biannual visits, Law will be providing $5,000 a month in child support. The two also agreed not to talk about their previous relationship.

Child custody matters can be complicated when the two parties are not in complete agreement. It’s important that you understand that you have rights to protect during this difficult time and have options in order to do so. When you are dealing with child custody and child support, you need to know how your case should be handled and how your case can be resolved. With the help of a family law lawyer, you will be able to settle your case in the most beneficial way possible. An attorney will know what to expect with your matter and how to handle all difficult aspects such as court proceedings. It’s in your best interest to work with a lawyer who will always have your best interest in mind while protecting your rights. Please take some time today to contact a family law attorney to begin discussing your case.
Categories: Child Custody, Family Law
