Featured News 2016 Does the End of Summer Trigger Divorce?

Does the End of Summer Trigger Divorce?

There is something about the summer and the holidays that cause spouses, particularly spouses with children, to put their divorce plans on the backburner. Often, people will decide to put off their divorce until after the kids are back to school, and there are reasons for this.

Just ask any divorce attorney and they will tell you that more people file for divorce in the end of summer and after the holidays than any other time of year.

"Every year, it's like clockwork," Gaetano Ferro, president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers told ABC News. "You know the phone is going to start ringing like crazy that time of year."

End of Summer Divorce Trend

Why do divorce filings explode towards the end of August and beginning of September? Because, quarreling couples tend to want their children to enjoy their last family vacations with everyone together.

Whether or not a spouse shares their divorce plans with their husband or wife, the delayed filing is usually a strategic move that was decided months earlier, often before the family vacations were planned.

Also, the summer can be more bearable when parents aren't as stressed by their daily work and parenting schedules as they are during the school year. The children may be away at summer camp, or the spouses may take separate trips, for example, a wife may take a cruise with her girlfriends or a husband may take an annual camping trip with his buddies, getting a much-need break from each other.

Like Thanksgiving and Christmas, parents often don't want to disrupt family vacations scheduled during the summer. Disgruntled spouses don't want to start a divorce action while they're vacationing in Hawaii or Europe.

But once couples ease back into their routines come September, reality sinks in and family law firms across the country receive a surge of calls from unhappy couples ready to file for divorce.

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