Featured News 2015 Is it Bad to Date Before My Divorce is Final?

Is it Bad to Date Before My Divorce is Final?

"Is it okay if I start dating again?" This is one question that comes up a lot for people in the middle of a divorce. The simple answer, "You should not date until the divorce is final." But, divorce and life are rarely simple.

Divorcing clients are often lonely, stressed out, and longing to feel desired again. Sometimes all they want to do is have some fun and get their mind off the divorce.

If you can't wait until your divorce is over to start dating again, then there are some important do's and don'ts that you should follow.

Date With the Utmost Propriety

If you are going to date, you must do it with the utmost propriety. First and foremost, don't even think about dating until you and your spouse have physically separated. Beyond waiting until you and your spouse are apart, here are some important tips to remember:

  • Don't flaunt your new flame on Facebook.
  • Don't introduce your sweetheart to your children until after the divorce.
  • Don't do anything that you wouldn't be comfortable with a judge knowing.
  • Avoid going places with your date that you may run into your ex, their co-workers, or friends.
  • Don't get pregnant or don't impregnate someone before the divorce is final. If you do, your case will be prolonged until after the baby is born and paternity can be verified.

One thing to keep in mind: While "no fault" states such as California will not hear evidence of adultery in a divorce case, there are some states such as Texas that will consider adultery even if it is committed after the spouses are living apart.

In states that will consider "marital misconduct," if it can be proved that a spouse is having a sexual relationship with someone other than their spouse while the divorce is pending, the "cheating" can have an impact on alimony. That said, it's important that you discuss dating and divorce with a qualified divorce attorney.

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