Featured News 2014 More Woman Paying Spousal Support and Child Support Post-Divorce

More Woman Paying Spousal Support and Child Support Post-Divorce

In the past, husbands and fathers were normally assumed as the paying party in child support and spousal support requests. 50 or 60 years ago, more women remained at home with the children while the fathers and husbands worked long hours to support their families financially. When a divorce ensued, the homemaker would collect spousal support and child support to help her adjust to a life without a breadwinner in the family.

However, this model of divorce is becoming old fashioned According to Communities Digital News, more women are paying their husbands spousal support and child support after they have become the highest earner in the family. The trend started with celebrity women such as Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda, Janet Jackson and Jessica Simpson who have the finances to support their children and husband while they are busy pursuing their dreams.

Now, the trend is trickling down to the typical middle-class American family. Women are breaking professional and societal barriers at a tremendous rate and now women are a common sight in the professional world. The Pew Research Center did a study in 2013 when they discovered that mothers are the primary or sole breadwinner in 40% of all U.S. households with children. One in four U.S. households is headed by a single mother.

This new way of life has drastically influenced family law. The courts are now seeing that dads are sometimes the propriety caregiver in the marriage and should have custody and be able to request support from a high-earning spouse. Every state has its own guidelines when it comes to child support and spousal support, but it is certain that in all states if women are the sole breadwinner they may be expected to pay support. Read more about this on the blog today for more information!

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