Featured News 2012 Odd Divorce Dilemmas that have made the News

Odd Divorce Dilemmas that have made the News

There are thousands of different reasons why you may know that your divorce is over. Maybe you suspect that your spouse is cheating, or you can’t agree with him or her on anything. There are also times that the love just dies, and a youthful marriage that was once full of life may wane into monotony later on. Yet some people have more intriguing divorce stories than others, and these are a few that have made recent headlines. The Huffington Post reports that one-third of all marriages cite Facebook as a reason for their split. For one couple, failing to change their relationship was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The 28-year-old IT professional wed her 31-year-old businessman husband with the expectation that he would change his relationship status from dating to married. Yet the change never occurred.

Eventually, the young woman assumed that if her husband wouldn’t make their wedding “Facebook official,” she didn’t want any part of it. She filed for divorce shortly after, saying that she couldn’t trust her husband because of his failure to make the online switch. The judge on the case told the couple that they needed to undergo six months of counseling before the divorce could be finalized. The husband claimed that they had only been married two months when the wife brought up her concerns, and he had simply forgotten to change his Facebook status because of other distractions. While Facebook is becoming an increasingly common reason for divorce, in-laws can also create an issue.

One couple recently split when the groom decided he didn’t want to say goodbye to his mother just yet. Instead, he decided to bring her on his January 2012 honeymoon. The angry bride asked for a divorce only three weeks into the marriage when Mama kept showing up at the house and being treated with more affection than she was. Couples also seek divorce when preferences become a hot topic for debate. Another woman put up with her husband’s love for cleanliness for 15 years before he finally pushed her over the edge. The germaphobe husband wanted to knock down a wall in their home in order to put up a new clean one. The argument over the wall escalated to such levels that the wife decided to leave.

Couples will also file for divorce if they believe that they cannot trust each other. For example, a couple that married in the 1990’s ended their marriage when the husband discovered that his wife had been lying to him all along. She had told him that she was only 24 when they got married, though she was 30 at the time. When he found out the lie and the 6-year age difference, he decided he could not trust her and filed for a divorce. The world’s oldest divorcees also split because of a lack of trust that occurred over 60-years ago.

The 99-year-old husband filed for divorce from his 96-year-old wife when he found divorce letters that she had written to her lover in the 1940’s. Another example of a lack of trust occurred when a bird tattled to her owner that the husband was planning to get a divorce. The talking bird continued repeating phrases like “divorce” and “be patient” until the wife decided that she should beat her husband to the punch. Whether it’s Facebook, trust issues, in-law problems, preference disagreements, or another debate, you and your spouse may think it’s time to call it quits. If you are ready to start life single again, you will want a family lawyer on your side. Look for a reliable lawyer near your today using our directory.

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