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The Benefits of a Cohabitation Agreement

With the wide popularity of divorce in today's day and age, more people are making a conscious decision not to marry or re-marry, these days, marriage is not for everyone. Couples still move in ...
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Issues to Address at the End of a Marriage

At the end of any marriage, spouses will need to look to resolve specific issues related to four key topics: child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support and property division. These ...
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Filing for Divorce in Las Vegas?

Whenever one or both spouses in a marriage have decided to file for divorce, there are many different factors that come into the picture. Decisions about child custody, child support, alimony, ...
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Determining Property Division

One of the single most difficult aspects of determining the terms of a divorce or legal separation agreement is the division of marital properties and debts. Not only can determining separate property ...
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Financial Support After an Ended Marriage

Whenever a marriage is ended with a divorce, one of the biggest decisions that must be made by either the spouses or the court is whether or not spousal support, alimony or rehabilitative maintenance ...
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Filing for an Uncontested Divorce?

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which the marital spouses agree on the terms of the divorce without the intervention of court proceedings. Amicable divorces often end this way, as both parties ...
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Determining the Division of Assets in Divorce

Whenever a marriage ends there are two different types of processes the spouses can go through to finalize the divorce. There are uncontested divorces in which the spouses can agree upon the terms of ...
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Processes for Child Custody & Visitation

One of the most complicated processes in a divorce involves any children between the spouses. Child custody and visitation rights have to be decided in both uncontested and contested divorces, which ...
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Complications of High Net Worth Divorces

Divorces are an already emotionally trying and stressful event for spouses to have to go through. Determining all the aspects of a divorce, how child support and child custody will function, which ...
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Are You Getting a Divorce in California?

Whether you are considering getting a divorce or if you and your spouse have already made the decision to move forward with the dissolution of your marriage, either way, this is a critical time to ...
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Understanding Divorce Processes

Filing for a divorce or being served divorce papers is never an easy time in any spouse's life. Discussing the terms of the divorce, deciding on how to proceed with your life after the divorce has ...
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Facts about Child Support in California

Child support helps children in every manner of survival and wellbeing. It ensures that basic needs such as food; clothing and shelter are provided for in the event of a divorce, break up or even when ...
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Spousal Support Facts in California

In California, when a marriage or domestic partnership is dissolved, a partner or spouse can ask the Judge for spousal support, alimony or partner support. You can also ask for spousal support or ...
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What is Legal Separation?

When people are considering divorce, they may want to weigh the differences between divorce versus legal separation. Divorce, also called "dissolution of marriage" or "dissolution of domestic ...
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Equitable Distribution in Divorce

When a marriage ends with a divorce there are many factors that must be considered legally as each spouse goes their separate ways. One of the most important issues is the division of marital assets ...
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A Fathers Rights in NY State

In years past, mothers were traditionally awarded custody in a divorce. Mothers were the homemakers and the main care providers for their children and the fathers were the breadwinners. In today's day ...
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Domestic Partnerships

The state of New York does not allow same-sex couples to legally marry, so gay and lesbian couples opt for a domestic partnership agreement, which can afford them legal protection for their children, ...
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Grandparent’s Visitation Rights

Grandparents play an important role in a child's life. They offer love, stability, support, friendship and can help impress upon a child the importance of good morals and self confidence. There's no ...
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Information on Divorce Mediation

When a marriage ends, one of the most beneficial ways to go through the legal process is through divorce mediation. If both spouses are amicable and can agree between themselves the terms of their ...
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No Fault Divorce for NY State

As of August 15, 2010, Governor David Paterson signed no- fault divorce into law for New York State. This measure went into effect within sixty days of its passage. This is big news for the residence ...
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