Featured News 2015 What to Do With the Rings After a Divorce

What to Do With the Rings After a Divorce

"What should I do with my wedding ring now that I'm getting divorced?" This question inevitably enters the minds of every man and woman when they get divorced.

You can be one of those who are eager to bear a naked finger, or perhaps the thought of forgoing the ring can be daunting. Much like changing your status from "married" to "single" on Facebook, when you take off the ring is your choice, and one that only you can make.

What People Commonly Do With the Rings

The woman generally gets to keep her wedding and engagement rings in the divorce, and for many young couples, the engagement ring can be rather valuable. So, before you give them back to him, you may want to give your rings some serious thought, after all, they belong to you.

What people often do with the rings in divorce:

  • Stash them away someplace safe and decide what to do in 1-3 years.
  • Give the rings back to their ex.
  • Save the rings for their children.
  • Sell the rings.
  • Get a jeweler to redesign the rings.
  • Throw the rings away.

No matter who ended the marriage or why, there are better things to do with the rings than throw them into the nearest lake or beach, or sell them for $2.00 at your garage sale. If you have a daughter, you may want to save them for her when she grows up.

If you're short on cash, you can get the rings appraised and sell them online or bring them to a pawn shop. Or, if you don't need the money, you can always give the proceeds to a charity that you believe in.

When the pain of divorce subsides, you'll be glad that you did something meaningful with the rings instead of doing something that you later regret.

If you need divorce advice, contact a divorce attorney in our directory!

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