Featured News 2012 Who Gets the Dog? Pet Custody in Divorce

Who Gets the Dog? Pet Custody in Divorce

A lot of people heave a general knowledge of child custody, including the various forms and the options for visitation. But do you know about the various choices regarding the possession of your pet? If you and your ex-spouse or partner have a cute little puppy or a much beloved cat, the custody battle can be just as messy as one regarding the children. A lot of people value their pets as much as they would a child, and don’t want to lose their precious animal to the other spouse.

The custody of a pet is evaluated based on what is best for the owners. This is different than custody over children, which has to do with what is best for the children involved. Your pet is considered a piece of property, but it obvious can’t be divided like a bank account or a collection can. Currently, the topic of pet custody is being covered in the Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson celebrity break-up. The couple has finally split after years together. They met working alongside each other in the romantic Twilight vampire flicks, and brought their fictional relationship to real-life fruition after the first movie was premiered. Yet now, Kristen has been caught cheating on her beau with another director and Pattinson insisted that she move out of the couple’s residence.

Both Pattinson and Stewart want to take their mutt Bear with them during the split. The dog was adopted from a shelter during the filming of Breaking Dawn, and has a special place in both their hearts. While it is still uncertain, there is a chance that both sides may take the possession and custody issues to court in order to obtain the pup that is a part of both their lives. In May, another pet custody case made the LA Times headlines when an ex-boyfriend spent $60,000 of his own money fighting for the possession of his Puggle named Knuckles. His wife also wanted Knuckles, and the both parties battled the issue in court for an extended amount of time. The boyfriend even turned to the internet and set up a fund in hopes that people could help him to obtain the funds necessary to continue paying his legal fees.

Craig Dershowitz lives in New York City with Knuckles, who he claims loves the concrete jungle. He is a tattoo artist who has had been fighting for ownership of the dog since his girlfriend moved out last year after four years together. She claims that Knuckles was her birthday present from a past celebration, and that he rightfully belongs to her since he was a gift. On the contrary, Craig says that he has a right to the dog because he bought the animal in the first place. He also says that his ex agreed that she would give him back the dog once he found a suitable place to live.

Craig says that while Knuckles isn’t a human being, he is a caring, loving being with a soul. His girlfriend says that Knuckles is having a happy and healthy life in California where he has ample room to play and live near a beach. If you are involved in a break-up or divorce, then you need a family lawyer by your side when custody disagreements like this one arise. If you want possession of a pet, then you will need to obtain a convincing lawyer who can show the courts why this animal is so important to you. These custody issues are often evaluated on a case by case basis, so you will need a great reason and cause to show that you deserve the animal that you love over your partner.

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