Articles From Law Offices of Makupson & Howard

Understanding Pre-Marital Agreements

Pre-marital agreements also known as pre-nuptial agreements are becoming more and more common. Smart couples are realizing that considering a pre-marital agreement is not a “curse” on their upcoming ...

Post-Marital Agreements in California

Although most people are familiar with pre-nuptial agreements, otherwise known as pre-marital agreements, not everyone is familiar with post-marital agreements. However, post-marital agreements are ...

Fact Book: Child Custody In California

If you are planning on seeking a divorce from your spouse, it is imperative that you contact a trained legal professional to discuss your case before making any decisions.

AB 939 Could Cause Courtroom Delay

Assembly Bill 939 was signed into law by the governor last year, a move that may cause huge delays in family law courtrooms.
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